A Division is 1 of 4 groups that have a dedicated specialty that you would identify most with. When first joining the guild, you will be put in the position of an Initiate. As an Initiate within the guild, you will not have full access to more privy info about the guild. The purpose behind this is so we have a vetting process in which ensures that we have the most Quality over Quantity of members. After the Initiation process is over and you get to your first rank, you will then be eligible to select your own Division. Each Division has it’s own responsible Exemplar (officer) that is in charge, as well as an Archon that will be their second-in-command.
This division will focus around PvP which includes:
The Black Flame logo represents this Division due to the color being a manifestation of death. Bringers of the eternal slumber, while bearing this symbol, you shall smite those who go against what The Divine Order stands for.
This division will focus around PvE which includes:

Slaying enemies native to Verra and the Ancient beings who bring destruction & corruption to the realm. The White Flame Logo represents a part of the guild since it’s a beacon of hope, lighting the way for not only the guild to progress forward, but for the people of Verra to follow behind.


This division will focus around Recon and Exploration which include:

You will most likely choose this division if Adventuring calls to you and you want your travels full of excitement and curiosity. The Emerald Flame represents this part of the guild by being an extension of the guilds eyes and ears; ever vigilant to what Verra might throw in their path.
This division will focus around Artisan related tasks which include:

 This Division will be our elite Crafters/gathers/processors that will have their decisions be brought up to the Divine Council when it comes to our Artisan focuses guild wide. They will be hand selected to become apart of this Division compared to choosing this division on their own. We are wanting the best that our guild has to offer when it comes to professions in this Division.

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