Here in The Divine Order we have a unique ranking system that isn’t seen elsewhere. We have 2 ways that you will gain Experience points (EXP), 1 through the voice chats that are available throughout the guild. The 2nd being Text Chat like memes and normal conversations will give you EXP within your Text lvl. Same goes with Voice EXP.
The reason why we have this system in place is to encourage comradery and increase activity. In order to build a guild that stands behind “Quality Over Quantity”, this tool will help the guild interact with one another without having the awkward “idk who this dude is”. It will help us grow in unity and strength rather than relying on numbers.
These are the rank structures and their level requirements below.
The Divine Order’s guild master.
Officers within the guild who lead and give tasks for their respective Division. There will only be 4 total.
Will be the 2nd in command of their respective Division, will have the same duties and responsibilities of their respective Exemplar.
Each Archon will be hand selected by their own Exemplar within their Division.
Divine Champion:
The 8th (Final) rank after reaching lvl 72 in Text and lvl 52 in Voice. An unstoppable force that The Gods have blessed.
The 7th rank after reaching lvl 54 in Text and lvl 44 in Voice. A respected and trustworthy member who performs the most daunting of tasks and duties when needed.
The 6th rank after reaching lvl 39 In Text and lvl 34 in Voice. One who’s skill demands respect and praise.
The 5th rank after reaching lvl 24 in Text and Voice. Veterans who carry responsibility in performing very trustworthy duties.
The 4th rank after reaching lvl 16 in Text and Voice. Proven to be responsible and trustworthy, now shoulders above average tasks.
The 3rd rank after reaching lvl 9 in Text and Voice. Will now be aiming to focus on a certain goal within the guild by proving they can be responsible.
The 2nd rank after reaching lvl 4 in Text and Voice. Should now be familiar within the guild, main focus is showing they can be trusted.
The 1st rank granted when passing your initiation. They are still learning their way around the guild and familiarizes self with structure. Can handle basic tasks.
The rank given to those who first join the Order. You will have to show your dedication and willingness to be apart of The Divine Order.